Upcoming Programs & Events

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Reminder: Please log in to Cornerstone first, then view more details and register for the sessions.

How to Access and Update BrightSpace Training in Cornerstone's Learning Calendar

  1. Log in to Cornerstone
  2. Navigate to the Learning Calendar:
  • On the homepage, look for the Learning tab.
  • Under the Learning tab, find and click on Learning Calendar.

Winter Catalogue (Jan - April programs)

Help with Cornerstone (My Learning)

If you're having trouble logging into Cornerstone to register for a workshop, please contact development@georgebrown.ca for assistance.

Upcoming programs and events

The following section is dedicated to the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Community of Practice (CoP) meeting space, where updates are shared periodically.

UDL Community of Practice: Understanding Executive Functions and Integrating UDL approaches

Register today for the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Community of Practice (CoP) meeting space! This is a space for all GBC educators interested in connecting with others and deepening reflection and practice of the UDL framework.

The two dates/times to choose from:

  • Tuesday, January 14th from 10am (virtual - Zoom) OR
  • Thursday, January 16th from 2pm (virtual - Zoom)

Register for the UDL CoP meeting space

This month’s topic: Understanding Executive Functions and Integrating UDL approaches
Facilitated by: Dr. Rachel Shalit, Learning Strategist, Accessible Learning Services

Executive functions are cognitive processes that help people set up plans, carry out tasks, and monitor their performances when working toward goals. For example, planning out what to do to write an essay, as well as designating appropriate time frames for each task while editing and getting the essay in on time. These functions live in the pre-frontal cortex of the brain and often do not fully come ‘online’ until age 25. UDL strategies can help improve executive functions by scaffolding student progress on assignments, tests and projects by integrating strategies such as extra time, providing examples of previous projects and inviting students to submit different styles of work that meet academic requirements.

In this UDL Community of Practice, we will explore scenarios that occur in class, in group work, and on assignments and tests that can cause issues in Executive Functions and how to resolve them. We will also discuss how providing options in learning may enhance students’ abilities to problem-solve and generalize behaviours and solutions to novel experiences. This session of the UDL Community of Practice will focus on how developing Executive Functions that is embedded in the Universal Design for Learning framework can support adult learners to ameliorate Executive Functions in and outside of the classroom to have lasting impacts.

Online Educators’ Community of Practice

Please join us one week from today - on Friday, January 17th at 10am - for the first 2025 session of the Online Educators' Community of Practice.

Register for Community of practice

Online Educators’ Community of Practice 

Do you teach online? Are you looking for a place to troubleshoot, try out new things, and just connect? Come build community with us! Join other online educators as we explore places of tension and joy in our classrooms, build the skills to create more community-oriented and anti-oppressive online learning environments, and contribute to a growing collective resource of tips, techniques and ideas.

Reach out directly to griffin.epstein@georgebrown.ca with any questions or access needs.      


  • Week 2: Friday, Jan 17th from 10 - 11am      
  • Week 4: Tuesday, Jan 28th from 4 - 5pm    
  • Week 6: Friday, Feb 14th from 10 - 11am      
  • Week 8: Tuesday, Feb. 25th from 4 - 5pm    
  • Week 10: Friday, March 14th from 10 - 11am      
  • Week 12: Tuesday, March 25th from 4 - 5pm      
  • Week 14: Friday, April 11th from 10 - 11am 

Brightspace Training Update

Module 1 provides an overview of the Brightspace environment, highlighting tools, widgets, and other helpful features to support you and your learners. We will also explore options for creating and organizing your course content. This module serves as the foundation for the upcoming sessions and is the first of three modules geared towards new users.

Module 2 focuses on the various Communication tools in Brightspace and explores options for engaging with your learners. This is the second module of our three-part series geared towards new users.

Are you new to Zoom and wondering how to get started? Join us for our upcoming Zoom Beginners Guide session! During this hour-long session our team will walk you through the basics of Zoom and provide tips for a successful virtual meeting experience.