Zoom is a communication tool to meet with students and deliver synchronous, online sessions. Learn how to use Zoom with an interactive lecture, a how-to section, and frequently asked questions.
Meeting Room capacity: 300 people per room. Webinar licenses (500 to 1000 people) are available. Please contact helpdesk@georgebrown.ca
Delivery method: Zoom desktop app (preferred), Chrome web client (limited features), and Mobile App.
Faculty, teaching assistant, and staff
How to Sign in to Zoom
For your safety, some meetings require you to authenticate with your GBC credentials. Before joining a meeting, we recommend you sign into the Zoom desktop or mobile app using Single Sign On (SSO).
How to Host a Meeting
We have integrated Zoom into Blackboard to make it easy to schedule the online classes. However, you can also schedule meetings outside of Brightspace to meet one-on-one with your students or colleagues.
Additional Features
Additional features to help you manage your meeting room or make the session more interactive.
Record Lecture and More
Zoom is known as an online conferencing platform, but it can also be used to pre-record materials to be shared with different classes and colleagues.
Zoom has several settings to make your meeting more inclusive. Learn how to make your meetings more accessible.
To avoid unwanted visitors, Zoom has several security features to keep your meetings safe.