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Educator of the year

Celina Costa has demonstrated extraordinary dedication and integrity in her nineteen years of teaching, focusing on transforming education for marginalized students through innovative digital tools. She has introduced various technologies such as digital field trips, online escape rooms, and AI tools to make learning more accessible and engaging. Her online learning platform on Brightspace, designed using Universal Design Principles, ensures flexible and inclusive education for all students, fostering a supportive community among diverse learners. Through her progressive teaching approaches, Celina has demonstrated a profound commitment to equity and inclusivity in education, leveraging digital tools to break down barriers and empower all students to achieve their full potential.  

After completing a graduate teaching certificate in Language Teaching Technology, Celina created "Celina's Ed Tech Corner" in the School of ESL’s newsletter, introducing faculty and students to new digital tools weekly. She also launched "AI Bytes," a newsletter exploring AI innovations for EAP (English for Academic Purposes) classrooms with the hope of influencing faculty to incorporate AI tools into their teaching.  

Celina’s presentations have been numerous and frequent. Celina has presented at the TLX’s annual conference, in the United States at TESOL’s annual conference, and locally at TESL Ontario and TESL Toronto’s conferences. Most recently, Celina created and presented a 3-part workshop series on UDL and AI tools for GBC staff and faculty.  

Her contributions exemplify how individual innovation can elevate educational practices by benefiting her peers and shaping future teaching methodologies.  

Celina's bio