Library Cards and Access

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How to use your library card

All students, faculty and staff must present a valid digital or physical GBC ID or generic black and white library card in order to take materials out of the library and to use many other library services, including library databases. Many of George Brown College's library resources are also available from outside the college network; use your GBC ID number and STU-View password to connect.

All library accounts are issued for the exclusive use of the holder who is responsible for all library transactions made with the card. Library accounts are not transferable.

If you receive a physical card and it becomes lost or damaged, please report the incident to the Library Help Desk to prevent unauthorized use, for which the borrower will be held responsible.

Beginning August 26, 2024, a replacement fee of $15 is charged for lost or damaged cards. You may pay the photo ID fee online by using Stu-View. Please print your receipt and bring it to your campus photo ID location with a piece of Government-issued photo identification to receive your replacement photo ID. A lost generic black and white library card can be replaced at no cost.

There are several major categories of library borrowers. For more information on your library status, access, and privileges, please select the appropriate category:

George Brown Full-Time Students (Photo ID)

George Brown College Student Card

All full-time George Brown students will be issued a digital student ID. This is your library card. Some students will require a physical card; if so, you will be contacted by your program coordinator.

Off-campus access to library resources is available. When prompted, enter your student # (example: and your StuView password.

Your student ID is required in order to sign out all items, as well as book a study room and access library resources off-campus.

George Brown Continuing Education Students

ConEd students have the option of purchasing a GBC Student ID card through StuView, which can then be used as a library card. ConEd students without the GBC Student ID may visit an LLC location in person to register for a generic black and white library borrower card. 

If it has been more than a year since a ConEd student's last class, and they have an old physical student ID or library borrower card, they may contact the library to reconnect their old card to their account (after reactivating their student account through the Contact Centre).

Distance Education Students

Distance Education Students enrolled in online courses at George Brown College are entitled to full access to the library’s online resources and print collection. If you do not attend any classes on campus and wish to gain access to the library’s online resources only, you may request to have a library account created for you by sending us an email. We will reply promptly with details on how to login to the online resources.

As a Distance Education student, you can also be issued a digital student ID upon request in the library after completing a borrower registration form and presenting a copy of your student registration form. Your access to library resources is only valid for the duration of the semester/course.

George Brown @ Toronto Metropolitan University (Early Childhood Programs)

For more information on library cards for George Brown students at Toronto Metropolitan, please visit the link below.

George Brown @ Toronto Metropolitan

Early Childhood Programs

Collaborative Programs
George Brown College offers a number of collaborative programs. During these programs students attend George Brown for a period of time and are therefore entitled to full use of our facilities including library spaces, resources, and computers.

Collaborative Program Details

Program CodeDescriptionGraduating SiteCourse Location
S118Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc.N.)Toronto Metropolitan UniversityFirst 2 years at George Brown
C118Early Childhood Education (Consecutive Diploma/Degree) ProgramToronto Metropolitan UniversityTaught at George Brown, Ryerson campus
S442R.P.N. Bridge to B.Sc.N. Postgraduate ProgramTrent UniversityTaught at George Brown and through Distance education
S416Interprofessional Acute Care Paediatric Cardiology Program (Postgraduate)George BrownTaught at Sick Kids Hospital and through Distance Education
S407Clinical Methods in Orthotics/Prosthetics Program (Postgraduate)George BrownSunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Summer Borrower Policy

Full-time George Brown College students who have finished the January-April semester and are returning in September may continue to use the library during the summer with limited access to some resources.

Please ask to have your privileges renewed for the summer at the Library Circulation Desk or send us an email.


  • Access to the library’s general collections
  • Off-campus access to databases
  • Borrowing privileges for a maximum of two (2) books (from the general collection) for a two week loan period; a maximum of two renewals are permitted if made in person or over the phone.
  • Use of Group Study Rooms (preference will be given to students enrolled in the summer).


  • Interlibrary loans
  • Access to the Library reserves and other special collections including 3 hour, 1 day, 3 day or 7 day loan items
  • Access to A/V materials including iPads and laptops

Summer borrower privileges will be given to students who have completed at least one semester and who will be enrolled in a class during the upcoming fall semester. Summer borrower privileges will expire on August 31st of the academic year.

GBC Faculty & Staff

All full-time, part-time, and sessional faculty and staff are eligible to obtain a physical ID card. Please bring a government issued photo ID and proof of employment to one of the three main campuses (CL, WF, SJ) where our LLC staff will be pleased to take your photo and update the database. Or, if you’d prefer, you can submit your photo online.

Your George Brown College Staff ID acts as your library card and gives you full access to LLC collections, both online and in print. Off campus access to library resources is available once your library account has been processed by the LLC. 

Off-campus access to library resources is available. When prompted, enter your staff # (example: and your StuView password.

Temporary Staff & Continuing Education Instructors

If you are not eligible for a GBC Staff ID card and require access to our print and online collections, the library will issue you a borrower card upon request. To help us with this process, please bring photo ID and proof of employment to the Library Learning Commons. If you only require access to our online databases please send us an email with your name and employee number. If you already have a generic black and white GBC library card please provide us with the barcode number.

Off-campus access to library resources is available. When prompted, enter your staff # (example: and your StuView password.

GBC Alumni

Your Student ID number will be required as identification. The Library will issue a generic library card to Alumni who no longer have their student photo ID card.

GBC Alumni are entitled to borrowing privileges for a maximum of two books (from the general collection) for a two week loan period. A maximum of two renewals are permitted if made in person or over the phone.

GBC Alumni can also request temporary access (issued upon each library visit to registered members who present their alumni card) to specified computers and select databases (except where licensing prohibits). Access to computers is based on availability and registered students are always given priority.

GBC Retired Faculty & Staff

GBC Retired Faculty and Staff continue to have access to the Library’s resources, including borrowing privileges. These privileges exclude items with holds or reserves placed on them by active students, staff and faculty.

GBC Retired Faculty and Staff can also request temporary access (issued upon each visit at the Library Help Desk) to specified library computers. Access to computers is based on availability and registered students are always given priority.

Borrower Registration Form for Staff & Outside Users (PDF)

Ontario College Students & Staff

Students and staff currently enrolled or employed in any college in Ontario are entitled to borrowing privileges at each of George Brown College’s libraries. Students and staff will be required to provide photo identification and proof that they are currently enrolled or employed in a college in Ontario. If you are a student, you must provide a current receipt or printout from your registration office listing dates of enrolment along with your photo ID. If you are staff, you must provide proof of employment along with your photo ID. When GBC Library Staff receive this documentation, you will be issued a George Brown College library card.

Please consult the Direct Borrower Agreement for additional details and contact the library if you have any questions:

St. James Campus LLC: 416 415 5000 x6910
Casa Loma Campus LLC: 416 415 5000 x4459

Borrower Registration Form for Staff & Outside Users (PDF)

General Public

Members of the general public can utilize our specialized facilities for an annual fee of $50. In exchange for this annual payment, members of the public may borrow up to two 14-day loan items at any given time with no renewals.

Members of the General Public may use only the computers located at our kiosk stations to search the library catalogue or register for courses at George Brown. Use of the Open Access Computers is restricted to Current Students.

Borrower Registration Form for Staff & Outside Users (PDF)