eBooks & Audiobooks

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eBook & audiobook Databases

Here you will find alphabetical lists of all the databases that house our eBook and Audiobook collections! Be sure to read and follow the instructions below on how to read and download eBooks. 

To read an eBook online or download a section or chapter, you do not need to download any software or create an account. To download the entire book for reading offline, save notes, and the highlight feature, you will need to follow a few steps the first time, including downloading software and creating accounts.

Below are the steps for eBooks from ProQuest College Complete and Canadian Electronic Library. 

  1. Create an Adobe ID by filling the required information and clicking Submit
  2. Find the eBook you would like to download, and click Download Book
  3. Click Create an Account
  4. Fill in your information then click Create Account and click Continue
  5. Select your device and click Continue
    • Desktop/Laptop:
      • Click Get Adobe Digital Editions to download this free software
      • On the new window that opens, click Macintosh or Windows
      • Open the file (in your downloads folder) and install
    • Mobile Device: download the free Bluefire eBooks app
  6. Once your software is installed, go back to the eBooks page and click Done with this step
  7. Select the length of time you would like to borrow the book, and click Download
  8. Open the downloaded .acsm file
  9. If prompted, select the software Adobe Digital Editions. Your book should open automatically
  10. If Adobe Digital Editions requests that you authorize your computer, sign in with the Adobe ID you created in the first step