How are we supporting students?
The intent of 5 to Watch – Canada’s Sports Business Awards is to raise funds to help George Brown College students succeed. Outstanding students from the Centre for Business Sport and Event Marketing Program who have demonstrated a variety of skills including academic performance and have identified financial need are selected to receive these awards.
Interested in donating?
Help support student scholarships at George Brown College's Centre for Business.
2023 Student Bursary Recipients
The 2023 5 to Watch - Canada's Sports Business Awards Student Bursaries were presented to the following George Brown College Centre for Business students:
- Lai Sim Wong
- Yik Ming Kwok
- Mahan Giahi Saravani
- Shreya Sunil Dubey
- Oleksandr Zhoravovych
- Carol Jessica Dsouza
CFL Achievement Award: Rodney Fajardo
TSN Award of Excellence: Maia Belmore
MLSE Award of Excellence: Carter Holmes
CTC Sports Marketing Award: Hannah Burrows and Neel Soman
Nathalie Cook Disruptor Award: Hannah Daniels, Lainy Dow, and Assel Zhursin
2022 Student Bursary Recipients
The 2022 5 to Watch - Canada's Sports Business Awards Student Bursaries were presented to the following George Brown College Centre for Business students:
- Ayush Agarwal
- Nidhi Rakesh Kumar Chauhan
- Hyun-jin Im
- Rahul Suresh Dalvi
- Wing In Wong
- Justin Daniel Co
CFL Achievement Award: Daniel Buggea
TSN Award of Excellence: Saeid Ghobadi
MLSE Award of Excellence: Lee Tanner
CTC Sports Marketing Award: Yee Yan and Vanessa Leung
2021 Student Bursary Recipients
The 2021 5 to Watch - Canada's Sports Business Awards Student Bursaries were presented virtually to:
- CFL Achievement Award: Rodney Fajardo
- MLSE Award of Excellence: Carter Holmes
- TSN Award of Excellence: Maia Belmore
- CTC Sports Marketing Award: Neel Soman and Hannah Burrows
2020 Student Bursary Recipients
The 2020 5 to Watch - Canada's Sports Business Awards Student Bursaries were presented virtually to:
- BMO Sports Marketing Award: Genevieve Andrea
- CFL Achievement Award: Matthew Mekler
- MLSE Award of Excellence: Alyssa Mercer
- SDI Sport & Event Marketing Award: Leslie Sim
- TSN Award of Excellence: Brennan Froud
- CTC Sports Marketing Award: Sarah Mace
- Cambria Canada Marketing Award: Tiyana Hunter
2019 Student Bursary Recipients
The 2019 5 to Watch - Canada's Sports Business Awards Student Bursaries were presented at the George Brown College Centre for Business Student Awards evening held on April 25, 2019.

BMO Sports Marketing Award
Michael Cathcart

CFL Achievement Award
Alpar Akman

MLSE Award of Excellence
Shih Yinn Chen

SDI Sport and Event Marketing Award
Emily Alexander

CTC Sports Marketing Award
Edward Alexander Reid

TSN Award of Excellence
Brittany Almeida
2018 Student Bursary Recipients
The 2018 5 to Watch- Canada's Sports Business Awards Student Bursaries were presented at the George Brown College Centre for Business Student Awards evening held on March 29, 2018.

BMO Sports Marketing Award
Ashleigh Gomez

CFL Achievement Award
Sydney Holmes

MLSE Award of Excellence
Matthew Neubauer

SDI Sport and Event Marketing Award
Julio Martinez Anaya

CTC Sports Marketing Award
Kristy Cook

TSN Award of Excellence
Alexander Peat
2017 Student Bursary Recipients
The 2017 5 to Watch - Canada's Sports Business Awards Student Bursaries were presented at the George Brown College Centre for Business Student Awards evening held on March 29, 2017.

BMO Sports Marketing Award
Riccardo Nero

CFL Achievement Award
Olivier De Feydeau

MLSE Award of Excellence
Ashley Gaffigan

SDI Sport and Event Marketing Award
Candice Joseph

CTC Sports Marketing Award
Daniel John Popowich

TSN Award of Excellence
Emma Lambert
2016 Student Bursary Recipients
The 2016 5 to Watch - Canada's Sports Business Awards Student Bursaries were presented at the George Brown College Centre for Business Student Awards evening held on April 6, 2016.
- BMO Sports Marketing Award: Kern DSouza
- CFL Achievement Award: Alexa Costa
- MLSE Award of Excellence: Alex Hallink
- SDI Sport and Event Marketing Award: Alex Maryuen
- TSN Award of Excellence: Madeline Blais
2015 Student Bursary Recipients
The 2015 5 to Watch - Canada's Sports Business Awards Student Bursaries were presented at the George Brown College Centre for Business Student Awards evening held on April 7, 2015.
2014 Student Bursary Recipients
The 2014 5 to Watch - Canada's Sports Business Awards Student Bursaries were presented at the George Brown College Centre for Business Student Awards evening held on April 2, 2014.

From left to right: Kathy Dumanski (Chair, School of Marketing - George Brown College), Mike Fenton (Program Advisory Chair - Business Marketing), Megan Moore, Sarah Moore, Jody-Ann Tam, Kelly Alguire (Head, Canadian Sponsorships, BMO Financial Group), Kellen Bondy, Tyler Mazereeuw (Senior Director, Business Development at Canadian Football League), Craig Garvie, Oliver Gleeson (Vice President and Corporate Counsel, SDI Marketing)
- SDI Sport and Event Marketing Award: Megan Moore
- BMO Sports Marketing Award: Kellen Bondy
- MLSE Award of Excellence: ody-Ann Tam
- CFL Achievement Award: Craig Garvie
- TSN Award of Excellence: Sarah Moore

From left to right: Mike Fenton (Program Advisory Chair - Business Marketing), Wesley Correa, Kendall Cramm, Jeff Phlippo (Account Coordinator - SDI Marketing) Ashley Hoy, Michael Wilson, Sara Moore (Vice-President, Marketing - CFL) Kathryn Grabowski, Kathy Dumanski (Chair, School of Marketing - George Brown College) Mark Milliere (Senior Vice-President, Production - TSN)
- SDI Sport and Event Marketing Award: Wesley Correa
- BMO Sports Marketing Award: Kendall Cramm
- MLSE Award of Excellence: Ashley Hoy
- CFL Achievement Award: Michael Wilson
- TSN Award of Excellence: Kathryn Grabowski
2013 Student Bursary Recipients
The first 5 to Watch - Canada's Sports Business Awards Student Bursaries were presented at the George Brown College Centre for Business Student Awards evening held on March 27, 2013.

From left to right: Mike Fenton (Program Advisory Chair - Business Marketing), Mark Milliere (Senior Vice-President, Production - TSN), Heather Mawhinney, Michael Cudmore, Trish Gautier, Alexandra Georgakopoulos, Matt MacDonald, Rachel Preston (Account Coordinator - SDI Marketing)
- SDI Sport and Event Marketing Award: Matt MacDonald
- BMO Sports Marketing Award: Michael Cudmore
- MLSE Award of Excellence: Alexandra Georgakopoulos
- CFL Achievement Award: Trish Gautier
- TSN Award of Excellence: Heather Mawhinney