Guidance Counsellors

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students on laptop

We understand the important role guidance counsellors play in helping high school students choose the best program and the right college. Here you’ll find important information and quick links to help you advise your students on options available to them at George Brown College.

89 – percentage of employers satisfied with George Brown graduates they’ve hired** 

90 – number of companies and organizations we worked with on applied research projects, prototyping, designing and testing new products and services in 2019-20 

1,588 – number of scholarships dispersed to students — the largest amount in our Foundation's history.***  

Read our Impact Report for the full picture

We understand the opportunities and challenges of the future of work

Automation, artificial intelligence and climate change are just a few of the factors that are transforming the workforce. With new and disruptive technologies developing faster than ever, employers tell us they’re looking for a blend of technical and people skills in new hires—people who can problem solve, communicate effectively, and who are resilient in the face of change.

Find out how we’re preparing for the future:

Male architecture student posing with folder in the BIM lab with a 3D model on the table beside him.

Learn about our key priorities as we prepare adaptable and innovative grads ready for a world of rapid change. 

Strategy 2022, Vision 2030

Podcasting studio

Listen to our employees, industry partners and students discuss issues around the future of work.

Work Shift podcast

Information for guidance counsellors

The George Brown College liaison team can answer questions you have about college programs and admission requirements. They can also help you with the following:

  • planning a class/school visit to our campuses
  • visiting your school to speak to your grade 9 and 10 students about careers
  • visiting your school to speak to your grade 11 and 12 students about George Brown programs and applying to college

More details about George Brown College programs and services

Student services & supports

For an overview of the student experience at George Brown, please visit 

Entry Advising  

We offer free workshops and one-on-one sessions for those thinking about attending college, on a range of topics, including on how to apply, choosing a career path, choosing a program, applying as an international student, and more. 

Entry Advising


Find information about our Financial Aid services at

In 2019-2020, George Brown College offered more than 900 student awards worth a combined $7.9 million. Students can apply online in a one-time application process. 

Student Awards

George Brown College has a work study program which provides students with part-time employment on campus. 

Student can also find part-time employment through Career Services

Work study program 

*Excludes upgrading and preparatory programs. Enrolment Planning and Reporting Department, George Brown College

**Key Performance Indicators, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, September 25, 2019

***George Brown College Foundation