Master Campus Plan

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Beginning in 2012, the College engaged in an internal master campus planning process aimed at providing a vision for future space planning initiatives. We would like to thank the countless faculty, staff and students from across the College, who engaged in the various campus master planning workshops, interviews, surveys and design seminars. We must also acknowledge the contributions of a variety of thought leaders and the GBC Board of Governors who helped shape this Master Campus Plan.

This has resulted in a thorough document, which outlines key goals that will assist GBC to meet current and future space planning needs while improving the learning environment. As an urban college that is growing along with the City of Toronto, we intend to leverage many other assets of the City to deliver the best possible college experience. Through strategic campus improvements we will create spaces that support a 21st century education for the smart economy.

It is with great excitement that our institution puts forth this Master Campus Plan that will guide us as we continue to develop our physical assets. This endeavour will allow us to continue to take a lead role in delivering quality education while growing with the City.

Download a PDF of the Master Campus Plan (2014)