Assessment Centre

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Welcome to GBC's Assessment Centre

If you're thinking about applying to George Brown or have applied already, you've likely heard about Admissions and Placement assessments. We're here to support you with these assessments, but first, here are some definitions to help you get started.

Admissions test vs Placement assessments

  • Admission tests are used to determine if you meet the requirements to be accepted to the college.
  • Placement Assessments in English and/or Math are taken after you have accepted an offer of admission. Placement assessments determine whether you are ready to take the college-level credit courses in English and/or Math in the first semester, or if you need to take a foundation level course first to further develop your skills.

How can the Assessment Centre help?


We provide accommodations to students with disabilities to help ensure fairness when it comes to testing. We aim to provide a testing environment that is accessible and barrier-free and may include things like extra time to take a quiz, test, mid-term or exam.

Contact Information

We have locations at each campus. You can find contact information including our email and phone numbers, as well as our locations and hours of operation.


If you have questions about any of our services, we recommend you check out our frequently asked questions as a starting point.

Test Invigilation Services

We offer test invigilation services for non-GBC students who are required to write an exam(s) from another institution/organization and need invigilation services. You may book an appointment with the Casa Loma Assessment Centre.

Test Preparation

We want to make sure you know what to expect when it comes to your assessments. We’ve put together some preparation tips and resources to help you prepare for your English, Math, or Science assessments.

Testing Services

We offer a variety of test options for college applicants and students, including: admissions assessments, placement assessments, Apprenticeship Trade Exemption, general English assessments, and Asbestos Abatement testing.