The Assessment Centre is committed to ensuring all students – college applicants and actual students - complete their testing in an environment free of academic dishonesty. It is important that student test scores are a true and honest reflection of test takers’ abilities, and that all students are assessed fairly.
The Assessment Centre Academic Honesty Guidelines support the George Brown College Academic Policies and Guidelines.
What actions are not allowed during testing?
As you prepare for your testing, please review the information below so that you understand what constitutes cheating, or dishonest academic conduct during testing, and what actions are not allowed during testing at the Assessment Centre:
- Using aids, electronic and non-electronic, that have not been authorized for use during testing.
- Copying from any source (i.e. notes, electronic devices, the internet, etc.) or from other test takers.
- Copying, in any way, any test material.
- Allowing other test takers to copy from you.
- Writing essays which have been memorized.
- Submitting a work as one’s own if the work has been prepared by someone else.
- Taking an assessment or an exam on behalf of someone else.
Consequences for academic dishonesty
Acts of dishonest academic conduct during testing will be taken very seriously and may lead to the following consequences:
- Applicants or students using any unauthorized aids will have these aids taken from them and the use of such aids will be documented. If necessary, students will be asked to retake the assessment.
- In cases of cheating in essay writing, students will be required to speak to an Assessor/Advisor about their essay and, if necessary, will be required to retake the assessment.