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Navigating interest rates to get your business thriving
June 6, 2024, 12 p.m. (ET)
Hosted by BDC. Join us for an economic update and insights on what the latest interest rate announcement means for your business. You’ll also get concrete advice to help look at your overall business strategy and identify the most promising areas to improve your profits and unlock future business growth.

Unlock Your Growth: From Concept to Shelf in the Food Retail Space
June 11th, 2024, 9:30am 
Join us to hear from the FIRSt experts on product development and optimization. You'll also get the chance to meet Sheri Evans, Sobey’s Local Development Manager and find out what it takes to get your product on the shelf in one of Canada’s top retailers.



Unpuzzling Productivity: Innovation Strategies for Unlocking Margins in Food Processing
June 7, 2024 1-2pm EST
This webinar, hosted by the Canadian Food Innovation Network, will take you through their soon-to-be-published whitepaper that dives into how investments into new processes, technologies, and ideas across the supply chain can stem future food inflation and make food more affordable for Canadians.The webinar will be led by two CFIN executives — Dana McCauley (CEO) and Alex Barlow (VP, Programs) – who will share strategies used by other Canadian food businesses to mitigate labour constraints, up productivity, and scale their companies.This is a free webinar for anyone in the food sector that is looking to adopt new technologies and save costs.

How to Pitch to Buyers - Part One
June 18, 2024 at 2:00pm EDT
Join the Government of Ontario in collaboration with FOOD BIZ WIZ by Alli Ball for a free webinar to learn more about how to pitch your food and beverage company to buyers. This webinar will provide insights on how to define and understand your target audience, pitch fundamentals and best practises for pitching your food and beverage company to buyers.

Webinar will include:

·    Steps and helpful tips on how to define your target market;

·    Information that should be included in your pitch deck;

·    And best practises on how to pitch your company to buyers