Ontario Student Summer Company program

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By Neal Lilliott

Calling all current students looking to create a company. 

Are you taking the summer months off from education and returning in the fall semester?  If yes you should check out the Ontario Summer Company program.

Through a program called Summer Company, you can get:

  • start-up money to kick off a new summer business.
  • advice and mentorship from local business leaders to help get the business up and running.

Learning how to run your own student business is one of the best summer jobs you can have. You get to be your own boss while learning what it takes to manage a business. Sales, marketing, bookkeeping, customer relationship management and networking are just a few of the highly useful skills you’ll develop.

You could be eligible if you:

  • go to high school, college or university
  • live in Ontario
  • are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • are between 15-29 years old (if under 18: a parent or guardian must sign the agreement for the applicant)
  • are not already running a business
  • are not working at another job or going to school for more than 12 hours a week during the program
  • are returning to school after the program ends

You cannot apply again if you have received a Summer Company grant in the past.

If you are on social assistance (Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program) you can still apply to Summer Company. Payments from the program may be exempt as income and assets under social assistance, so your monthly social assistance payment may not be affected.

Applications Close May 15, 2023