Please note the inclusion of these resources does not imply an endorsement by the Office of Anti-Racism, Equity and Human Rights Services (OAREHRS). They are shared strictly for educational purposes. If you come across additional resources that may be useful, feel free to contact the college through our Contact Centre at 416-415-2000 or OAREHRS at
Learn more about how to challenge and interrupt anti-muslim racism:
Anti-Muslim racism refers to acts of prejudice directed toward individuals who are or who are believed to be Muslim and/or who follow the Islamic faith.
Those acts can range from subconscious thoughts, prejudicial thoughts, or microaggressions to physical and verbal violence.
- Combatting Hate: Islamophobia and its Impact on Muslims in Canada - This report highlights numerous personal experiences as well as evidence and expert perspectives presented to the committee, pointing to the need for urgent action to reverse the alarming trajectory of Islamophobia in Canada.
- Islamophobia in Canada, Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief - The International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group is a national coalition of 46 Canadian civil society organizations that was established after the adoption of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001 in order to protect and promote human rights and civil liberties in the context of the so-called “war on terror.”
- Islamophobia at Work: Challenges and Opportunities - This report's intent is to contribute to introspection, and a conversation within unions, and in society as a whole, about the roots of anti-Muslim sentiment and the importance and urgency of confronting it.
- Town Hall Report on Islamophobia in Education from the National Council of Canadian Muslims, 2018
- Muslim Student Townhall Report - Muslim students rarely get the opportunity to speak freely about the particular challenges they face in the education system. Recognizing this gap, the NCCM’s Muslim Student Town Hall initiative worked hard to change this by inviting diverse Muslim voices to the table to speak about their experiences.
- The Canadian Islamophobia Industry: Islamophobia's Ecosystem in the Great White North - Unpacking the networks of bigotry and anti-Muslim hate and identifying how they bolster ideological and systemic forms of Islamophobia and create a breeding ground for hate crimes, is imperative to fully understanding the dynamics of Islamophobia as a system of oppression and the industry behind its promotion.
- Resources on Combatting Islamophobia - Many organizations and educational resources are available in Canada and around the world to help people learn about and combat Islamophobia. Visit this page often as more insightful resources will be added regularly.
- Still Overqualified and Underemployed? Canadian Muslim Women's Experiences of Employment Barriers and Facilitators - A groundbreaking study that explores stories of diverse Canadian Muslim women’s challenges and pathways to employment success.
- Combatting Islamophobia: Education Packages Commemorating the June 6th Attack on Our London Family - These packages are designed to equip your students with an understanding of the June 6th terrorist attack on the Afzaal family in London, Ontario. This package asks students to examine and interrupt their own unconscious biases and form real allyship with those on the receiving end of anti-Muslim hate.
- Canadian Muslims: A Statistical Review - This study is the first attempt to provide factual information about this growing community with the purpose of correcting stereotypes, starting information-based discussion and providing private and public sector organizations with hard facts to make intelligent choices and decisions.
- How to be an Ally: Islamophobia at its Intersections - An infographic on how to practice allyship.
- National Council of Canadian Muslims - The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots human rights and civil liberties organization.
- National Summit on Islamophobia - Organized by the Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat, and convened by the Honourable Bardish Chagger, Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth, the summit provided a national platform for Muslim communities to identify concrete ways to combat Islamophobia across the country.
- Canadian Senate Report on Islamophobia – Provides an in-depth analysis of the rising issue of Islamophobia in Canada, examining its impacts on Muslim communities. The report offers recommendations for addressing and combating Islamophobia through legislative and community-based efforts, while highlighting the need for inclusive policies and educational programs.
- Bill 166 – This CBC article discusses Ontario's Bill 166, which requires universities and colleges to implement anti-racism policies. It highlights the mandate for post-secondary institutions to develop and enforce anti-racism frameworks, ensure accountability, and address systemic racism on campus. The bill's goal is to foster inclusive environments and provide better support for students and staff affected by racial discrimination.
- Islam through Western Eyes by Edward W. Said – The Nation examines how Western perspectives have historically shaped distorted views of Islam. It discusses how Orientalist attitudes, colonialism, and modern media have contributed to stereotypes and misunderstandings about the Muslim world, often portraying it as backward or violent, which fuels Islamophobia and cultural bias.
- Subtle and Overt Forms of Islamophobia: Microaggressions Towards Muslim Americans – Explores the different ways Islamophobia manifests in the United States. It highlights both subtle (microaggressions) and overt forms of discrimination against Muslim Americans, discussing the psychological and social impacts these actions have on the Muslim community. The article emphasizes the need for better understanding and addressing these behaviours to combat Islamophobia effectively.
- Erasing Barriers, Enhancing Safety – A review of systems and strategies for Supporting Muslim Women and Girls Facing Gender-Based Violence (Canadian Council of Muslim Women).
- What is Allyship – NSCC's Office of Human Rights and Equity Services resources for allyship.
- A Working Definition of Islamophobia – A Briefing Paper by Imran Awan and Irene Zempi provides a comprehensive overview of Islamophobia, offering a working definition and framing the issue within a global context. It outlines the various forms Islamophobia takes, such as discrimination, prejudice, and hate crimes, and emphasizes the need for legal frameworks and societal efforts to combat anti-Muslim sentiment effectively.
- National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) Training and Workshops – Programs for Schools, Employers, Government, Service Providers (cost associated).
- Islam in the Workplace (NCCM) - A two-hour workshop that explores common issues around the reasonable accommodation of Muslim employees in the workplace.
- Inclusive Schools Workshop (NCCM) - A two-hour workshop examining legal and pedagogical foundations for creating inclusive schools.
- Canadian Council of Muslim Women Digital Anti-Racism Education Training on Islamophobia - A free online workshop.
- An Employer’s Guide to Islamic Religious Practices – National Council of Canadian Muslims, archived on
- Educator’s Guide: Islamophobia Is
- Islamophobia at Work: Challenges and Opportunities (Including Recommendations to Trade Unions) – Baseline Report by BC Human Rights Commission (PDF)
- Hijabi Ballers Toolkit
- Submission to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (PDF)– National Council of Canadian Muslims
- Examining Islamophobia in Ontario Public Schools (PDF) – Tessellate Institute
- In Brief Policy Backgrounder: Defining Islamophobia for a Canadian Context (PDF)
- Understanding Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes - Addressing the Security Needs of Muslim Communities: A Practical Guide
- Canadian Council of Muslim Women. MY Canada: Finding Common Ground – Composed of a manual and video. The video includes interviews with youth across Canada, covering a variety of sects, cultures, and geographies to showcase the plurality of Islam. The manual is an accompanying guide that provides practical and tactical suggestions on conducting workshops and facilitating dialogues with Muslim youth across the country. It covers a wide range of topics including leadership, media relations, civic engagement, creative expression, and community resources.
- October: Islamic Heritage Month
- December 10: International Human Rights Day
- January 19: National Day of Action and Remembrance Against Islamophobi
- March 15: International Day to Combat Islamophobia
- The Bridge Initiative – A research project that provides a wealth of information on Islamophobia, with a focus on countering prejudice and promoting understanding.
- Canadian Muslim Counselling – Provides a range of diverse services in support of holistic well-being, including mental health and counselling services in the form of individual therapy, premarital counselling, marital and family therapy, and religious counselling.
- Islamophobia Is - Resources
- Islamophobia Support Line – Provides referral and counselling support for victims of religious, racial and culture-based violence. It is not meant to be a replacement for the Police Service.
- Muslim Women Support Line – Dedicated to the empowerment, equality and equity of all Muslim women in Canada.
- National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) – Ae non-profit civil liberties and advocacy organization that works to protect the rights and freedoms of Muslims in Canada. Established in 2000, NCCM focuses on fighting Islamophobia, promoting human rights, and providing legal support to those facing discrimination. The organization also engages in public education, media outreach, and policy advocacy, working to create an inclusive and equitable society while defending civil liberties for all Canadians.
- NSCCs libraries of Anti-Racism Resources: Anti Islamophobia Resources
- Naseeha Mental Health –Empowering the Muslim community with compassionate, culturally sensitive mental health support.
- Nisa Helpline – a confidential, anonymous & free 16-hr helpline for Muslim women across North America that offers mental health support and peer counselling, seven days a week from 8 a.m. to midnight ET.
- Toronto for All - Islamophobia
- Turner Consulting Group Blog on Islamophobia
- 14 & Muslim
- The Mosque: A Community’s Struggle
- Canada’s Multiculturalism – Worth Defending (TEDx Ottawa)
- What Does My Headscarf Mean to You? (TEDx SouthBank)
- “Let’s Stand Together to End Anti-Muslim Hate.” YouTube, uploaded by Zabiha Halal
- While Muslim Video Series - Video 1: “Encountering CSIS While Muslim.“
- Islamophobia killed my brother. Let’s end the hate (TED Talk)
- Islamophobia is...more than hate crimes
- Islamophobia is...perpetuated by the mainstream media
- Islamophobia is...the myth of the Muslim ‘terrorist’
- Islamophobia is...gendered
- Edward Said on Orientalism
- "Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People" - This documentary, based on the book by Jack Shaheen, discusses the portrayal of Arabs and Muslims in Hollywood films, exploring the impact of these stereotypes.
- Science & Islam (BBC Documentary)
- The Lost Libraries of Timbuktu (BBC Documentary)
- “Gendered Islamophobia: Tell Mama UK says most reported hate crimes target visibly Muslim women” Youtube, uploaded by Middle East Eye
- Black Muslim Narratives | Nimao Ali & Muno Osman. Jasser Auda on Maqasid,
- Muslim women’s experiences in Canada
- Muslims in Academic research. Anver Emon & Nakita Valerio., Youtube Islam & Life
- A Palestinian and an Israeli, Face to Face | Aziz Abu Sarah and Maoz Inon | TED
Anti-Palestinian Racism
“Anti-Palestinian racism is a form of anti-Arab racism that silences, excludes, erases, stereotypes, defames or dehumanizes Palestinians or their narratives. Anti-Palestinian racism takes various forms including: denying the Nakba and justifying violence against Palestinians; failing to acknowledge Palestinians as an Indigenous people with a collective identity, belonging and rights in relation to occupied and historic Palestine; erasing the human rights and equal dignity and worth of Palestinians; excluding or pressuring others to exclude Palestinian perspectives, Palestinians and their allies; defaming Palestinians and their allies with slander such as being inherently antisemitic, a terrorist threat/sympathizer or opposed to democratic values.” – Arab Canadian Lawyers Association
Learn more about how to challenge and interrupt anti-Palestinian racism:
- Anti-Palestinian Racism: Naming, Framing and Manifestations – Defines and explores anti-Palestinian racism as a distinct form of racial discrimination. It highlights how this form of racism targets Palestinians through the denial of their identity, history, and human rights, often manifested in political, social, and institutional contexts. The paper also underscores the need for recognition of anti-Palestinian racism to promote justice and equality in addressing the issue.
- CJPME Report on APR in Canada – Provides an in-depth analysis of the prevalence and manifestations of anti-Palestinian racism across various sectors, including politics, media, and education. It outlines specific incidents of discrimination, marginalization, and negative stereotyping of Palestinians, while also recommending strategies to address and combat this form of racism in Canadian society. The report calls for stronger anti-racism measures and greater awareness to ensure equity and justice for Palestinians.
- APR & Canada's Anti-Racism Strategy Recommendations – Outlines specific actions for integrating anti-Palestinian racism into Canada’s national anti-racism strategy. It emphasizes the need to explicitly name and address anti-Palestinian racism, provide educational resources, and ensure government accountability. The recommendations also call for stronger legal protections and equitable policies.
- The Nakba, 70 Years On: The Ongoing Crime Against Those Who Dare to Belong" by Susan Abulhawa – Offers a reflection on the Nakba and its ongoing impact on Palestinian identity and rights.
- Available in: Journal of Palestinian Studies
- "Legal Frontiers and the Matrix of Control: The Impact of Israeli Settlement Policies on Palestinians in the West Bank" by Jeff Halper – Discusses how Israeli policies affect Palestinians living in the West Bank.
- Available in: Journal of Conflict Studies
- "Rethinking Israel's ‘Other’: Palestinian Perspectives of the Jewish Nation-State Law" – Analyzes how Israel's nation-state law is perceived and its implications for Palestinians.
- Available in: International Journal of Law in Context
- Decolonization as reconciliation: rethinking the national conflict paradigm in the IsraeliPalestinian conflict – Document submitted to the OHCHR addresses the legacy of colonialism, focusing on Israel’s occupation of Palestine. It highlights the ongoing violations of international law, including land appropriation, displacement of Palestinians, and systemic inequality. The annex emphasizes the need for accountability and reparations for these colonial-era injustices, advocating for a decolonial approach to peace and justice in the region.
- Arab Canadian Lawyers Association
- The Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU) – Provides facts, analysis, and personal stories that offer insights into Palestinian life under occupation and the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
- B'Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories - Offers reports and analyses on human rights issues in the West Bank and Gaza.
- Teach Palestine – The Teach Palestine Project website is a resource by and for K-12 teachers and teacher educators focused on bringing Palestine into our classrooms and schools.
- Decolonize Palestine - a collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine.
- Anti-Palestinian Racism 101 – an article defining anti-Palestinian racism.
- Rethinking 1948 and the Israeli Palestinian conflict – The London School of Economics and Political Science
- "1948: Creation & Catastrophe" - Through firsthand accounts, this documentary recounts the events of the year 1948, which led to the mass displacement of Palestinians known as the Nakba.
- Available on: Academic platforms and some streaming services that offer educational documentaries.
- "Five Broken Cameras" - A documentary film co-directed by a Palestinian and an Israeli, depicting the struggle of a Palestinian village resisting encroaching Israeli settlements.
- Available on: Platforms like Netflix and other documentary hosting services.
- A Palestinian and an Israeli, Face to Face | Aziz Abu Sarah and Maoz Inon | TED