Innovation Badges

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Digital Badging with GBC Research

Digital badges recognize skills and learning opportunities that go beyond the classroom.

Program Overview

Research & Innovation badges are awarded in recognition of hands-on, real-world experience gained outside the classroom in the student’s field of study. Distributed by Research & Innovation to commemorate student involvement in research projects, these badges can be attached to a LinkedIn page, Facebook account, or wherever a prospective employer may see it.

Introduced in 2014, Research and Innovation at George Brown College rolled out a new digital badging program to recognize student participation and achievement in applied research. The inaugural Excellence in Research and Innovation digital badge was presented to John-Allan Ellingson, a recent graduate of the Mechanical Engineering program.

The program has now been extended to a set of 12 badges that are awarded for participation and achievement in applied research and also for the completion of online learning modules in research and entrepreneurship. The modules employ multimedia learning content, appealing to a variety of learning styles and include video, written, and interactive activities.​