Learning Environment

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Real-world experience—in more ways than one!

At George Brown College learning extends beyond the classroom as students get real-world experience through exciting field education work terms and hands-on research projects. These learning opportunities are shaped in part by our industry partners. Industry partners are companies, organizations and individuals that help guide the students’ education through things such as advising on course curricula, providing field education opportunities, hiring graduates, providing mentoring, guest speaking and sponsoring student financial awards.

Field Education

Field Education gives you the opportunity to spend time in the business world and gain hands-on experience. Nothing beats that kind of education.

George Brown’s Centre for Business offers a variety of field education opportunities, including co-ops, applied project management, field-based consulting, field education courses and applied research opportunities. Learn more about field education and visit the work experience page for more detailed information on these opportunities.

Dean's Volunteer Recognition Program

Students have the opportunity to get involved in the college community and apply the skills learned in the classroom to real life situations. Visit the Dean's Volunteer Recognition program page to read more and find out how to join our amazing volunteer team.


If you want to start your own business, we provide resources and opportunities to help you achieve your goal. StartGBC encourages an entrepreneurial spirit and assists our students in bringing their ideas to life. Learn more about different opportunities to help you become an entrepreneur.

Competitions and Clubs and more

We provide opportunities to participate in competitions, join business clubs, attend trade shows or association events, work on case studies and interact with industry contacts through real-life projects and guest speakers. Alternatively, you can become involved in a variety of competitions and student clubs.


George Brown College’s learning environment has a strong international component. In addition to sharing a classroom with international students from around the world, students have several opportunities for international fieldwork and international field trips. They can also take advantage of academic pathways available to various educational institutions overseas. The George Brown College curriculum benefits from our many global partnerships and our credentials are geared towards preparing students for the global marketplace.