News and Announcements from George Brown College

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I am excited and proud to be celebrating the beginning of the academic year with each of you as the new President of George Brown College. Although I started just one month ago, the students and employees that I have met have all made me feel incredibly welcomed and, already, I am developing a...

For the second year in a row Villa Charities through its charitable arm, the Villa Charities Foundation, will support George Brown College students through the newly renamed Villa Charities Renzo Pillon Memorial Scholarship. Open to full-time second and third-year GBC Architectural Technology...

Dr. Gervan Fearon became known as the people’s president and a community builder throughout his career as a leader in post-secondary education. It is a nickname and phrase that he is proud of, and he hopes it follows him to his new role as President of George Brown College. Fearon greatly enjoys...

The work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada drives Audrey Rochette both professionally and personally — “it’s part of who I am,” she said. As the new Director of Indigenous Initiatives, she's eager to move the commission’s calls to action forward in the George Brown College...

Nadia Richards, Manager of Anti-Racism Integration at the Office of Anti-Racism, Equity and Human Rights Services (OAREHRS), has created a tool to help the George Brown community engage in the work of Anti-Racism. Take 5 for Anti-Racism is a framework modelled on our college’s existing Take 5 for...

Prefixcode Inc. is an entertainment company with a mission to become a leader in the escape room business. Their premier part-escape room, part-video game simulator Proxima Command is an immersive game experience for teams of four to seven players that simulates the bridge of a futuristic starship...

As we reported last week, there was a fire at 200 King St. E. (St. James Campus). This situation remains under investigation as we assess the damage to the building and HVAC units. Although the fire was contained in a mechanical room on the sixth floor, smoke from the fire and water from the Toronto...

On July 20 and 21, 2021, the Office of Anti-Racism, Equity and Human Rights (OAREHRS) hosted two half-day sessions with the established Anti-Racism Strategy Review Task Force ( see list of members below). The task force, representative of priority departments across the college, engaged in a...