WAVE Health Promotion

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Health promotion has been defined by the World Health Organization's 2005 Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a Globalized World as "the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its determinants, and thereby improve their health".

What is WAVE Health Promotion?

WAVE Health Promotion was established to help our students gain valuable health promotion learning experiences both within the George Brown community, with industry partners and with the general public. Activities focus on interprofessional student learning & practice opportunities, and community-based health promotion research activities.

We invite our students to collaborate with each other on teams to plan, design, deliver and evaluate health promotion programs that address the determinants of health to a range of target populations that include George Brown College students, staff and members of the surrounding community.

We also partner with outside agencies to help expose our students to a broad range of meaningful health promotion initiatives. 

What kinds of health promotion topics do we explore?

We offer a variety of presentations to our student community and WAVE Clinics community visitors that discuss issues such as:

  • stress management
  • healthy eating campaigns
  • diabetes management

For a list of internal and external Health Promotion Links and Resources, please click here.

Last semester’s lunch&learn sessions included:

  • South Asian Diabetes prevention program
  • Introduction to interprofessional collaboration
  • Eating healthy on a budget (held in collaboration with a Toronto Public Health Dietician and Public  Health Nurse)
  • Safety considerations of water pipes (‘Hookahs’)
  • Applied research: project presentations

How can you participate?

Starting Tuesday, January 21st, presentations will be held every Tuesday at the our Daphne Cockwell Centre for Health Sciences at the Waterfront Campus, 4th Floor Learning Landscape. Our ‘lunch & learns’ are free to all students and staff.

The Daphne Cockwell Centre for Health Sciences is located at 51 Dockside Drive. For more information, or if you have suggestions for health promotion related presentations, projects or ideas, please email healthyu@georgebrown.ca or call 416-415-5000 ext. 5552.