Current Students

Main Content

New students

From the day you accept your offer to the day you graduate, the Student Life team provides orientation and transition programming to support you on your journey! Check out our Orientation pages — and our Online Orientation site — to get all the important information and events to get you started.

MyGBC Student Portal

The MyGBC Student Portal is your virtual GBC home base. Besides having all of your quick links and tools in one spot, it's also your best source of student news, events and opportunities. Make sure to bookmark it and check it regularly!

MyGBC Podcast

Life as a George Brown College student is full of opportunities for success at school and beyond! In this weekly podcast, George Brown students lead thought-provoking interviews that delve into different services, supports, groups and events affecting students on a daily basis. From highlighting academic and human rights services to providing tips for managing finances and wellness, there’s something here for every student.

Subscribe and listen wherever you listen to podcasts!

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Current Episode

Happy New Year Huskies and Friends! It's season 10 and we are back again! We're kicking off this season with Khdrea's top 5 college service recommendations and why you should check them out. Don't wait till the end of your semester to find out what services could have helped you along the way! Tune in now to learn more.

Previous Episode

How are you feeling about finally being at Week 15? In this episode, we hear from some of you about your experiences and end of semester feels, plus your plans on how to relax and enjoy the holidays. (You deserve it!) Tune in to hear from your GBC peers, before saying goodbye to 2024!

Male student with a laptop in the campus hall

Ask George Brown

Ask George Brown is the place to go to find answers — and submit your own — about student life at GBC.

Photo of a student meeting with a career services advsior

Student services

Many free services are available to you as a GBC student. You can access counselling, tutoring, accessibility services, career advising and more.

Get the most out of your online learning

Taking courses online? We have plenty of tips on how to maximize your virtual education!