Paper Reduction Tips at George Brown

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How can you reduce your paper usage?

If you’re looking for a relatively simple way to make a significant change to help the environment, why not look at our tips for reducing paper usage?

We’ve outlined 8 general tips below for the George Brown College community as well as some specifically for faculty.

  1. Print double-sided – if you must print, choose the double-sided print option and copy documents on both sides to conserve paper.
  2. Share documents electronically – share files online and keep central electronic files for your department.
  3. Don’t print your email – organize and save emails in an electronic folder system for efficient retrieval.
  4. Think before you print or photocopy – use the print preview feature before printing to avoid printing unwanted pages. Edit documents using track changes.
  5. Don’t print websites unnecessarily – Look for a printer-friendly version that reformats the document to remove advertisements, so you save paper.
  6. Print more words on each page – single space documents when possible, use smaller fonts in larger documents.
  7. Reuse “waste” paper – set up a GOOSE (Good on one side, eh?) box in your office for use with scrap paper.

Share the word – add a message to your email signature: Please consider the environment before printing emails.

Tips for Faculty

  • Consider whether you really need to offer hard copies of course outlines.
  • Provide course outlines online and accept and mark assignments electronically.
  • If you produce a printed course pack, work with librarians to determine if any of the included articles might be available free online. The articles could be linked to your Brightspace course page for student use. This way students save money, less paper is used too, and faculty and students are making better use of the College electronic data base collections.

Consider developing accessible electronic course outlines and material that meet the College’s AODA guidelines.