End-of-semester survival guide

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The lead-up to the end of the semester can be stressful with final assignments and exams. 

Here are a few tips and services that can help make this busy period a little easier: 

Find a good spot to study 

If you need a quiet spot to review your notes with up to five other students, book a study room at the Library Learning Commons (LLC).  

Get the most out of your study time 

If you need extra help with English and/or math, contact the Tutoring & Learning Centre (TLC) for one-on-one tutoring sessions. 

Take advantage of free digital services 

  • George Brown students have access to LinkedIn Learning
  • George Brown students also have access to Office 365 – an excellent tool for creating, sharing, and editing documents on the go. 
  • Students also have access to AppsAnywhere

Connect and clarify 

If there are any points from your course you're unsure of, contact your instructor and ask for clarification. It's also a good idea to connect with peers in your program. You can learn faster when you're reviewing notes with fellow students. 

Book an appointment with a college counsellor if you need academic or personal support. It's free and confidential. 

Master time management 

At this point in the year, time management is critical. Consider organizing and breaking down schoolwork and studying into chunks so it is manageable. 

Take time to relax 

Take several relaxation breaks each day. Stop what you're doing and stretch, have a healthy snack, watch a funny video or talk to a friend - anything that will help you re-energize and continue your day effectively. 

Mindfulness Beyond the Classroom 

Don't give up! 

The semester is almost over. So give it everything you have. Trust us — it will be worth it!