News and Announcements for Current Students

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News and Announcements

Many students come to George Brown College’s Chef School with dreams of baking-show stardom. Jasmine Linton did the reverse. After making it to the quarter finals of season three of The Great Canadian Baking Show , Jasmine started her first year of the Baking and Pastry Arts Management program in...

Counselling Corner articles feature tips from George Brown College counsellors. In this post Counsellor Aarti Dhanda provides advice on what to do when you're feeling low energy.  Let’s get real. College is hard and demanding. There are lots of assignments and group projects, and they all seem to be...

Counselling Corner articles feature tips from George Brown College counsellors. In this post Counsellor Aarti Dhanda highlights FOG in relationships (fear, obligation and guilt).  Many people find themselves in relationships with dynamics they wish would improve or be different. This can be in any...

George Brown College is proud to be a partner in an exciting initiative that aims to boost recruitment of Black students among Canadian corporations and create the conditions that will lead to continued career success. The Onyx Initiative launched October 21, 2020 with the goal of increasing...

George Brown College welcomed back a small group of dancers from the college’s Commercial Dance Program on September 21. These students will now be able to complete the final in-person component of their program required to graduate. "It’s great to have a routine, somewhere to go and somewhere to be...

Crafting the look and feel of one of George Brown College’s key reports was a project that Graphic Design student Chris Ensoll and recent Graphic Design graduate Lee Jong successfully completed despite the challenging circumstances in spring 2020, when the in-person collaborative design process they...

You’re helping to curb the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a mask and keeping physical distance. There’s another important step you can take to keep the numbers low: download the Government of Canada’s COVID Alert app. George Brown College encourages everyone in our community to use this app, whether...

Asli Demeril spent her final semester of the Human Resources Management program working remotely with a small charity in eastern Ontario — a great opportunity with a growing organization she says may not have been available to her had she done an in-person work placement. All work-integrated...

Last week, the Centre for Hospitality and Culinary Arts (CHCA) opened the doors to its bake lab for students in their second semester of the Baking – Pre-Enrolment Program . The opening of the bake lab is a pilot that will be running until the end of the spring/summer term, providing students with...

The COVID-19 pandemic created what appears to be a perfect storm for the post-secondary education sector: closed campuses, decreased enrolment, challenges for international applicants, and an economic recession. So, what comes next and how does this affect students? On the latest episode of George...